Our Services

Darklight Chaos - Services

Services Overview

Darklight Chaos Engineers augment the staff of an organization, specifically for the purpose of enhancing their chaos engineering practice. From helping to build a core team of champions and engineers that practice breaking things on purpose, to organization-wide training, specific per-project engagements, or building an enterprise enablement program that spans multiple teams and business units, our engineers can help facilitate your needs at multiple levels.

Operations Augmentation

Running an enterprise wide Chaos Engineering program is no easy lift. Our team is equipped to help your organization meet this challenge by taking on the day-to-day operations of your organization's efforts in Chaos Engineering. We work with you to ensure that the correct set of objectives are set, the correct metrics and key observables are defined, and we keep those in check and provide accountability for them. Public Speaking Engagements Whether or not you are rolling out a new reliability program in your organization, or evangelizing an established one, delivering enterprise wide talks to market the availability and wins of your Chaos Engineering journey should be a top priority. Darklight can help you deliver on this objective, either equipping and coaching an internal champion or taking direct responsibility for delivering the talk.

Team Training

Building expertise in Chaos Engineering is not trivial for an individual champion or a team. Darklight Chaos has you covered with accelerated training programs to fit the organization needs. With scoping that ranges from 1:1 champion training to hands-on integration walkthroughs, we can help ensure your business has the right tools and expertise to ensure you get the most from your chaos engineering endeavors.

Application Experimentation Days

Bring a team or ten together for a pizza party and Chaos event. These cross-functional events start with thoughtful planning and end with deeper insight to how your applications actually work together. Great for finding rare bugs in distributed systems, testing end-to-end functionality, and exposing faults before they become an incident.

What to Expect

Each client engagement is unique, and we strive to create a win-win with our customers. At the onset of an engagement, you can expect your engagement coordinator to establish a series of discovery sessions with your stakeholders. The outcome of our discovery process will be an agreed-upon statement of work executed by both parties.

Post-discovery, you can expect your engagement team to work closely with stakeholders to tackle what we’ve mutually agreed is the best strategy for your organization. That could include a current-state and gap analysis of your chaos practice, or a series of on-site talking and teaching sessions. Your Engagement Team At all levels, your engagement will be backed by a team of professionals working to achieve your goals. The makeup of your team will be partially dictated by the agreed-upon scope of work and augmented by your specific needs as a client. At the smallest level, this typically includes a project manager and chaos engineer; however, we have a full complement of engineers, managers, executives, and speakers that can rise to meet the challenges of any engagement.